
AU18 EASLEY 8839 Hen
BB-8 - 1st Knockout winner and 5th prize by seconds final South African million dollar race. Bred by Ken Easley

AU22 EASLEY 136 hen
Julius - 1st prize 400 miles Big Andy's International OLR 2023 with 7min lead. winner of $66,000. Bred by Ken Easley

AU20 EASLEY 79 Hen
Hippolyta - 1st Ace Pigeon Big Andy's International & 9th prize final race 400 miles!! Bred by Ken Easley

AU22 EASLEY 84 Hen
Diana - e1st prize 4th at 416 miles. 15th prize 325 miles.
Bred by Ken Easley

AU18 EASLEY 8894 Cock
Big Tex winner 4th prize final 400 miles, also champion bird with a 6th, 2nd and 1st place in races only. On the 1st drop on all official races. Bred by Ken Easley

10K! AU20 EASLEY 59 cock -  1st National Old Bird Hall of Fame All Distance Wisconsin and 35th National Hall of Fame All Distance out of 65,474 birds recorded 2022. 1st registered Elite champ. 1st place 500 miles Topeka, Kansas Open 4 minute lead over 2nd place.  3rd place 366 miles.

Fresca - e1st prize - 10th 416 miles. 9th prize 325 miles. 1st prize 150 miles. SCOLR 2022. Bred by Ken Easley

AU20 EASLEY 48 - cock -
Winner e1st - 350 miles Sooner Challenge and 7th prize 416 miles Americas Top Bird - Sooner 2020. Nest mate 49 bred e1st Quevas Classic 350 miles 2021. Bred by Ken Easley

Flavius - 30th prize 400 miles 11 min. from 1st Big Andy's Int. 2023. Full sister e1st prize 400 miles Sooner Challenge 2022. Bred by Ken Easley

Mukiwa - 1st HSCR Ace winner, 1st Knockout USA & 2nd International KO winner. on the first drop f all 5 car races. 82 place final race 3478 birds headwinds and heat.

AU22 EASLEY 35 Hen
Ice Cream - 14th prize 416 miles - 4th prize 250 miles. 16th Ace pigeon overall 2022 season Sooner OLR.

AU21 EASLEY 376 Hen
Screamer - 6x 1st place, 3x 2nd place, 1x 4th place from 120 km to 241 km. Flown to 400 miles. Her and her nest mate were 3rd and 6th at 201 km. Bred by Ken Easley & Son Racing.
The pigeons shown here are our race champions bred by Ken Easley & currently breeding at our lofts.
(we have bred many more but no longer have them or not breeding them yet)